“Beware the Ides of March” is the warning that a soothsayer whispered to Caesar in Act 1 Scene 2 of the Shakespearean play “Julius Caesar.” Because of the noise of the crowd through which Caesar and his entourage were walking, Caesar didn’t understand the words. Ironically, it is Brutus who tells Caesar that the man is warning him about the Ides of March.
The word “Ides” is one of the three named days of the month of the Roman calendar. “Kalends” was the first day of the month. “Nones” was the seventh day of the month; and “Ides” was approximately the 15th or the middle of the month.
With the help of Shakespeare, the phrase “Ideas of March” gained a sense of foreboding in the European world. It carried the same connotation that “Friday the 13th” invokes in today’s world. They are superstitions, irrational and unfounded beliefs in objects or signs having magical power to control peoples’ lives.
For Christians, superstitions are akin to idolatry. It is attributing the providence of God to something else. Nothing is done outside of God’s control or permission. To believe otherwise is really a transgression against the first commandment:
“You shalt have no other gods before me.” (Exodus 20:3 KJV).
This concept is explicated in Isaiah 46:
“9Remember the former things of old: For I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me.
10Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times the things that are not yet done, Saying, My counsel shall stand, And I will do all my pleasure:
11Calling a ravenous bird from the east, the man that executeth my counsel from a far country. Yea, I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it.” (KJV)
Living by superstitions leaves the door open for Satan to take control of the situation and us, as is described in I Peter 5:8,
“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” (KJV)
In Act 17:22, Paul on a missionary visit to Athens proclaimed:
“Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars of Mars Hill, and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious.” (KJV)
For several years, March has been a rough month for me. However, I do not believe that March is a bad month. In March 2007, I had a sinus infection that developed into bronchitis. In March 2009, I had the stroke-like episode with an imploding brain tumor. In March 2010, I had a bout with pneumonia. In March 2011, I had a pacemaker implant.
Several weeks ago, in March 2013, I had what appeared to be a heart-attack, but it turned out to be a gallbladder attack. I had to have my gallbladder removed. Fortunately they were able to take it out via a laperoscope. However, before they were able to get it out, my gallbladder pumped infection throughout my body. I spent more than a week in the hospital. At first they thought the infection might have affected my heart. However, a stress test showed that my heart is as strong and overall as healthy as it has been all along. The stress test technician said that my stress test result was the best that he had seen for many months. My heart is strong. The only problem is that the beat is irregular. I just don’t have rhythm. The infection did cause me some urinary bladder problems. I had to carry a bag for almost two weeks. The catheter is out but my bladder may not be emptying properly. Please pray for God’s continual healing in this matter. Catheters are a pain and bags are extremely inconvenient.
All the health problems of this March have set back my writing agenda. I have ideas piling up. I hope to be able to return to writing soon. However, the hallucinations, cross-sensory perceptions and inability to concentrate continue to plague me at times. My neurology team has tried several new medications. The only change I noticed is that I am having more vivid dreams. I almost have a sense of what Samuel Taylor Coleridge experienced. I can see Xanadu more clearly now.
I had two excellent doctors’ appointments in early April. I am free of the catheter and bag for at least three weeks as long as I’m a good boy and drink lots and LOTS of water. The urologist was amazed that my retention in a follow-up appointment was only half of what it was in the first appointment. She said that was great and very, very unusual. I told her prayer still works.
At the second appointment, the surgeon also said that I am an unusually good healer. My surgery scars are healing as well as he has ever seen. He said that I am truly a “young man” in terms of parts of my body. He said that it shows that I have taken good care of myself over the years. I told him I had some help from above. Both my cardiologist and my surgeon have given me clearance to get back on the stationary bike, so hopefully I will be back in the swing of things by this coming week. My legs are getting restless for work. Please pray with me that my brain will return to clarity so that I can return to writing.
I do not have to worry or be afraid of the Ides of March. I may not understand God’s reasoning, but I can’t question his power or mercy. He has shown his power and mercy over and over again. I have had many opportunities to meet and talk with people that I otherwise would not have contacted. I can do nothing else but praise His name and thank Him for His goodness to me.
I’ll be glad to join you in prayer!! Late > never!