My previous posting concerning signs, “Signs, Signs, Everywhere Signs” was meant to be a less than totally serious look at how we use signs to communicate. The first two signs illustrate what can happen when we try to be clever and use humor to remind people of things that should be obvious.
The third sign was the most serious of the three signs. This sign was asking people to look at themselves and decide how satisfied they are with their own lives using a satisfaction scale that had a few new twists to it.
This post comes from a recent excursion my wife and I recently took through a combination nursery, produce stand, deli, bakery and craft shop. We are fortunate enough to live in a rural area where such shops abound. For those of you in urban areas, the next best choice for you would be to walk through the farmers’ market that almost every city has.
As we examined the offerings of the country stand through which we strolled, there were hand-made arts and craft signs everywhere. Five of them really caught my attention.
The first consisted of words that should be words of encouragement to anyone who has experienced aphasia. The sign read
Even if you can’t find the words,
God already knows what it is that you’re trying to say.
I pray that God will help me realize this, but not use it as an excuse to quit searching for the lost words.
The second sign was a humorous sign which expresses a sentiment that I pray God will keep me from stumbling into purposefully:
When in doubt, mumble.
I believe the third sign was meant to be a humorous reminder directed toward all of us who have been work-alcoholics or hobby enthusiasts at some point throughout our lives. It encouraged everyone to keep their priorities in order:
My garage needs me now;
The least I can do is be there for it
How easy is it to prioritize activities over people? I know I must ask my family for their forgiveness for past occurrences of misplaced priorities.
The fourth sign was a serious look at how to prioritize one’s life:
As long as the day is full of time,
There will be room for your hand in mine.
God, thank you for my wife and giving us time together. Remind me to go for walks for no apparent reason with my wife, hold her hand and tell her “Thanks for being there.”
Likewise the fifth sign expressed a positive outlook on life to which each of us should aspire:
Cherish yesterday
Dream tomorrow
Live today
Lord help me pray, “God please help me come to each day, cherishing the fond memories of yesterday, dreaming big about tomorrow and living in the presence. Please give me the proper perspective on remembering the highlights of past events. Help me to dream appropriately big dreams about the future and to make realistic plans for the future. Help me to live in the present, not dwelling on either the past or the future, but at the same time not forgetting about them.”
This is the one sign that I plan to carry with me, if only in my head. It reminded of the line from the Five Man Electric Band’s song that says, “Thank you, Lord, for thinking about me, I am alive and doing fine.” How are you doing?
Thank God for leading me here after a very long time and know that you are doing fine!
I really like the sign, ‘Even if you can’t find the words’ and your thoughts thereafter, “God already knows what it is that you’re trying to say”. Oh yes He knows and if we truly listen, He responds!
Smiling at the thoughts of you and your wife holding hands and full of love while walking, while sitting — even if you can’t find the words. Blessings to both of you 🙂