Hello folks. As promised in my most recent post “Extended Medical Leave” you are hearing from me again in December.
I have returned.
Just like most people who promised to come back, I had visions of General Douglas MacArthur wading ashore on the Island of Leyte and declaring “I have returned.”
In that previous post, I indicated that I was taking a six-week hiatus from writing and any strenuous mental activities to allow my mind and body to heal from extensive sinus surgery. Those of you who know me realize that shutting down mental activities would be a daunting challenge for me.
My return is more of a whimper.
Due to health complications that six-week hiatus has turned into what will be at least a three months absence. This post is not the big bang of a return that I envisioned. It is much, much closer to a whimper. It is an admission that I am still not fully recovered from my medical problems. (Getting older is not for the faint of heart.) I am definitely not ready to write lucid and inviting blog posts or engage in the mental gymnastics of serious dialogue.
Thus, this post is essentially an announcement that “By’s Musings” will not be fully back online until sometime in the New Year. I am in the process of lining up a couple of friends and former colleagues who will be writing some “Point vs. Counterpoint” posts for me. We are planning for these to appear before the end of January 2019.
Season’s Greetings!
Until then, have a joyous Holiday Season, a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.