In a previous post I suggested that the relationship between a patient and caregiver must be a pas a deux, a dance for two. If any dance for two is going to work, the pair must move and work together, even though each individual has his or her own responsibilities. In a pas a deux one individual must follow the lead of the other, generally in the relationship between the patient and caregiver, the caregiver will provide leadership.The patient must have confidence in and respect the leadership provided by the caregiver. However, the caregiver must read carefully the signs from the patient and have the courage to make any adjustments must be made. The patient needs to be aware of where the pair is going and what they are doing. If the patient detects deviations from the destination or the route, the patient must be ready to communicate this with the caregiver. If this pair is to work well together, they will find that it is necessary to practice. A good pas a deux is not a once and done event.